It’s harder and harder to stand out of the crowd in the online universe, while more and more businesses appear. Use a multi-channel digital marketing strategy to guide people along the sales funnel. The secret to attracting the user’s attention? Tailor the content to their desires.
A quick reminder. What is multi-channel digital marketing?
“Multi-channel marketing is the implementation of a single strategy across multiple channels or platforms, thus maximizing opportunities to interact with prospective customers,” according to digital marketing agency Emarsys.
Social media
Facebook is a great instrument to get people to notice you, but is also efficient as a retargeting channel.
What benefits does Facebook offer you?
1.Eye-catching content
A creative, attractive and witty content on Facebook or other multimedia ads, is going to attract the attention of the users.
When constructing your message keep in mind what the target customer might want or need. Don’t directly sell the product, but talk about different topics he might be interested in, that will naturally lead him to the product page.
2.Generating leads
Use Dynamic Product Ads. This is beneficial for those who have an ecommerce business. Thorough Dynamic Product Ads, Facebook is going to show your products to users who have shown interest in your products.
You also have the option to upload your product catalog to Facebook.

AdWords campaigns are suitable and can be used for the top, middle, and bottom of the funnel.
When people are at the top of the funnel, you can use AdWords campaigns to discover the keywords they use in the searches and what they are exactly looking for. At this stage, you should work with broad match modified campaigns.
For the middle of the funnel, when users known your products or services, it’s time to craft targeted ads. Show them you offer the best solution for their needs. AdWords remarketing is the right approach if users have reached the bottom of the funnel. Keep your products in the attention of the users.
Don’t forget about AdWords Ad Extensions! Make an interactive add where users can click to receive a coupon. Another example of clickable information is a phone number, which makes things even more simpler for users.
Email is the way to go when it comes to retargeting potential customers.
Now, you have an idea about what people want. Craft appealing emails in which to make it clear how can your product help and solve the user’s problem.
Another useful tool for retargeting potential customers is text messaging. Think about it. It’s a channel not many advertisers use and can be an opportunity for you to exploit it.Besides this, SMS can help you interact more personally with users and build a relationship of trust.
Be careful not to seem too invasive.
Putting them all together will have help reach people in different corners of the internet. A multi-channel digital marketing strategy is still effective and can bring you great results in 2018.