Every person that strives to market their business in an ever-growing environment like the internet knows how important a well thought marketing budget is. You calculate every penny and you base your entire branding strategy on it. But what happens when you witness that your ads are not performing well and that you are not getting any benefit from investing in your marketing campaign?
Let’s presume that your website is absolutely top notch. Your copy is solid, your products are the best, however you are not getting enough leads, your ads have a great click-through rate, but your website’s bounce rate is off the charts. If this is the case then maybe you are subject to Click Fraud.

This behavior is plaguing the online marketing environment due to the damage it is doing to advertisers budgets. Cyber security experts are estimating that last year just one ad fraud bot called Chameleon wreak havoc in total of 6 million dollars a month to advertiser’s budgets. This is a great sum considering that the total loss due to click fraud in 2016 was about 7.2 billion dollars. The Verge, Microsoft’s IT online magazine estimated that 1 in 5 ad-serving websites are targeted exclusively by ad-bots, and for every 3 dollars spent on advertising, 1 dollar is taken away by Click Fraud. Now you may be asking yourself how you can protect your ads from being targeted by click bots or by your competition. The answer is simple, ClickBrainiacs!
The ClickBrainiacs anti-fraud software
We, the team behind ClickBrainiacs, strive to stop Click Fraud dead in it’s tracks. Every day we try to stay one step in front of fraudsters and to prevent such malicious behavior of becoming even more popular that it is today. Our efforts in combating this online plague have materialized in the form of a fraud detection and prevention software that will help protect your marketing budget and make your ads perform better.
Our software will detect automatically any suspicious IPs that are accessing your ads and will either block them by its own or will send you an e-mail so that you can verify this behavior manually. You can either setup your own rules for our software to follow, or you can let our awesome team work it’s magic. Not only can you block suspicious IPs, you can use our Click Fraud detection software to see in real time how your ads are performing and what you can do to improve your click through rate.
Join ClickBrainiacs in a battle against Click Fraud today! Sign-up for free!